EWIC Essential Worker Immigration Coalition

EWIC STATEMENT ON LEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORMFOR THE INCOMING TRUMP ADMINISTRATION The Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC) respectfully requests that your administration prioritize legal immigration reform to strengthen border security and effectively address the needs of businesses and the economy. We commend recent bipartisan efforts to reignite the critical conversation around enhanced border security and immigration […]

EWIC Supports the Legislation to Address DACA and TPS Immigrants

The Essential Worker Immigration Coalition (EWIC) was established as a voice to advance business-centric, balanced immigration reform to meet the needs of the American workforce and job creation.  As such, we write to express our long-standing views on business immigration and our concern for business and job creation in on-going policy debates. As the federal […]

CEO EWIC Support Letter

To see the advertisement published in POLITICO please click here. June 10, 2014 Dear Members of Congress, We write as chief executive officers of American companies ,some large, some small, to express our support for immigration reform. We urge Congress to act, the sooner, the better, to fix immigration so it works for our businesses […]

Reaction to the Release of the Republican Principles: Immigration Reform Is Key Priority for the House Republicans

2014 IS THE YEAR FOR IMMIGRATION REFORM The business community expressed its strong support for the principles laid out by the House Republican leadership this week.  House Republicans have identified key principles that line up with tenets long endorsed by the Essential Worker Immigration Coalition.  These principles include among other things:  (i) security at our […]